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General Introduction How to choose a Surfboard for you?

General Introduction How to choose a Surfboard for you?

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2021-08-26
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(Summary description)There are many types of surfboards.Generally speaking, the Surfboard could be classified as below:

General Introduction How to choose a Surfboard for you?

(Summary description)There are many types of surfboards.Generally speaking, the Surfboard could be classified as below:

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-08-26
  • Views:0

There are many types of surfboards.Generally speaking, the Surfboard could be classified as below:

Classification by material

1. EPS board: The most popular surfboard, which is chosen by a lot of famous brand.

2. PU board: It is widely used on training in yacht club.

3. Inflatable board: This kind of surfboard could be easily folded and carried, which is available for skilled player.

Classification by size:

1. Short board under 7 feet: It required player have more surfing skills on water.

2. 7-8.6 feet board: It has round bow, which is available for skilled player.

3. Board up 8.6 feet:It does not require player have much more skills, which is available for beginners.

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